Discover how involuntary awareness keeps you and others in constant possession of an empathetic position that can only be suppressed or withheld.
Explore how the nervous system, always working to facilitate our survival, operates in a subconscious, non-verbalized way and how empathy is the most powerful tool available to affect it.
Empathy is also a self-sacrificial and caretaking position that when suppressed, becomes the basis for all traumatic experiences.
Unraveling the Human Experience is about learning to understand the fluctuation of empathy to better support survivors of emotional neglect and abuse.
Navigating abuse dynamics is a complicated and complex process, as much of emotional abuse is invisible due to the inability to “prove” what is taking place.
Determining harmful behavior depends on identifying the fluctuation of empathy.
And you will be provided with practical tools to guide you in unraveling the truth of your own human experience.
Learn to clearly identify the fluctuation of empathy in Unraveling the Human Experience