creating space with curiosity 🫶🏻

Good morning Reader!

October is the most spiritual month of the year. In TML's Wellness Membership this month, we're honoring the Goddess Lakshmi.

Honoring a god or goddess can serve as an instrument of focus or a way of deepening your understanding of yourself. When you offer up curiosity to a power greater than yourself, you make space to also have curiosity with yourself. Allowing our attention to flow toward that which we do not know opens the door to surrender. I invite you to consider an instrument of focus this month to offer up surrender and connect with your spiritual wellness.

In other news, I just recorded the first episode of The Pursuit of You Podcast, season 2. I talk about my own journey with spirituality, how I got into podcasting, and what mindfulness versus awareness means to me. I'm really excited to release this!

I also talked about the emotional evolution I experienced between the two seasons of my podcast and how evident it is that I've grown. I can't wait to share that transformation, it was a big part of my journey.


I allow myself space to grow.

From the Blog

This month is all about moving into our cocoons and settling indoors. I encourage you to make your space cozy with loving words, pictures, and trinkets that make you feel warm.

Here are some loving words to keep yourself in focus...

  • I deserve to feel loved by myself and others.
  • I value my relationship with myself.
  • I trust myself to know my needs.
  • I love to hug myself.
  • I offer myself compassion and respect.

Read more


The first few episodes of my podcast sometimes make me cringe, but they also make me so proud. I've come so far. It's amazing to be able to witness my own transformation this way.

Here's one of my cringier episodes, I hope you enjoy!

Listen now


Mindfulness is an important part of loving ourselves. Here are some mindfulness practices you can incorporate into your self-love journey.

Journal Prompts

  • Where could I use more space in my life?
  • How can I create space for myself in this area?

Yoga Week

Yoga is my favorite physical practice. There are so many benefits and it can really be adapted to any body type, needs, or preferences.

One of the most important postures to master in yoga is the mountain pose. This is where we can harness all of our energy to the center and manage it with breath.

To practice:

  • Stand tall, reaching through the crown of the head
  • Press down through all four corners of each foot
  • Active your legs from calves all the way to buttocks
  • Tuck your tailbone
  • Pull navel to spine
  • Pressing heart center forward, drawing shoulder blades together
  • Open palms wide, relaxing the jaw

Stand in this posture and notice your natural breath. Take a moment after you've experienced an overwhelming emotion or high-energy interaction to return to this posture. Take note of your breath again.

I hope this posture is helpful to you in managing your energy.

Weekly Mix

I know I'm in your inbox and all... but have we met??

Hi, I’m Joscelyn, a recovering codependent, people-pleaser, and perfectionist. My recovery began when I started to see my own atheism as a barrier to growth. Follow @joscelynkate to see what tools and practices I use to keep myself on track.

Do you feel like you’re always in a temporary state of transition?

Or like you’re waiting for your “real life” to start after you’ve sorted through all the bs?

Do you laugh at the idea of your life having “purpose” right now?

If that sounds like you, check out my spiritual wellness membership 👉🏻

The Midday Latte is a support hub of tools and resources meant to help you create healthy self-focus practices.

Check out the blog, subscribe to the newsletter, follow my podcast (new season coming January 2024!!🎙️), and download all my free resources here 👉🏻

Also, The Group—a FREE emotional support group for women and non-binary individuals who've suffered emotional abuse or neglect or are questioning whether or not they might be—starts October 15, 2023, at 8:30 PM EST.

More info

Have an amazing week ahead, friends. Sending you love and light.

In warmth & growth,

Joscelyn Kate

Helping You Cultivate Healthy Self-Focus

Hi I’m Joscelyn, a recovering codependent, people-pleaser, and perfectionist turned Master Mindfulness Practitioner, Trauma-Informed Yoga Instructor, and Certified Ritual Guide. I help people let go of toxic habits, situations, and relationships. Check out past editions and sign up below.

Read more from Helping You Cultivate Healthy Self-Focus

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