Relationships & The Emotional Hierarchy

The first step to turning an unhealthy relationship into a healthy one is taking care of yourself.


I recently shared a story on threads about my husband and I in couples counseling. In the story, I talked about how I thought I had our problem all figured out but I was wrong. Something I didn't expect from sharing that story, was how many people would commend me for admitting my fault and taking accountability. I realized what a strength it is to admit being wrong and how many people benefit from witnessing it.

As I worked through issues with my husband, I was able to learn and grow, it greatly improved our relationship. Experiencing being wrong in a safe way helped me build trust in releasing that vulnerability more often. It's important to have safe people around you to explore your own growth and emotional evolutions.

REFLECT: Do you feel safe admitting you're wrong? Will you avoid admitting you're wrong even when you know you are, because it doesn't feel safe or beneficial to do so?


We all come from our childhoods. As my husband and I went through counseling, we realized how much of our communication and perspective came from our childhoods. Much of our expectations and standards were shaped by our families. Working toward better communication and a more peaceful relationship meant releasing the conditioning and learning new ways to interact.

TRY: Consider ways you communicate or expectations you have in relationships with friends, family members, or a partner and how they may have come from your childhood, then think about whether this behavior serves you well or if you want to release it.


**THANK YOU!! I wanted to take a moment to say thank you to everyone who listened and supported the podcast over the last week (and always!!). Last week's episode (The Hot Potato Game) was my most downloaded episode ever! It hit more than 30 downloads in the first two days, and my total downloads are now over 1,100!! I'm so grateful for each and every one of you. Thank you, Thank you.**

Need a little self-love? Check out these articles πŸ‘‡πŸ»

✨NEW EPISODE✨ In this week's episode of The Pursuit of You podcast we dive into The Emotional Hierarchy and how it shapes your relational framework.

​Listen Now​

Thank you so much for being here. I hope this was helpful for you and I'd love to hear your feedback!

Let me know how this perspective or behavior shift helps.
Email me anytime at or find me on IG and Threads @joscelynkate.

And don't forget to check out TML's Favorites to find all the latest on my book reviews and product recommendations to bring you more peace of mind. 🫢🏻

You're worthy of exceptional things, don't forget it.


In warmth & growth,
Joscelyn Kate

p.s. Check out TML's Yoga section for more on Oracle Card Readings, Yoga in-person and via zoom, guided meditations and more.

Helping You Cultivate Healthy Self-Focus

Hi I’m Joscelyn, a recovering codependent, people-pleaser, and perfectionist turned Master Mindfulness Practitioner, Trauma-Informed Yoga Instructor, and Certified Ritual Guide. I help people let go of toxic habits, situations, and relationships. Check out past editions and sign up below.

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