Small Shifts to Protect Your Energy


Empathy may seem like a simple way to connect but empathizing is as physically exhausting as running. Consider how tired you feel after trying to understand or help another person this week. How could you have helped, supported, or offered guidance without extending empathy?

JOURNAL: Do you believe it's ever ok to withhold empathy from someone? Why or why not?

There are people who will try to access your empathy without your consent. In my book, Unraveling the Human Experience, I call this the "non-consensual extraction of empathy." If you feel that someone is trying to make you feel bad, I want to let you know, you have the right to refuse. They may try to use their judgment to force your extension of empathy, but you still don't have to give in.

REFLECT: See how it feels this week to refuse a non-consensual extraction of empathy. I'd love to hear your experience.


The first thing anyone wants to do when they feel tired is rest. It makes sense that after working, taking care of your home, your family, your pets, and whatever other responsibilities you have, that all you want to do is sit. But most of the energy we expend that leads to exhaustion is intellectual. Our constant thinking, planning, preparing, and recovering, are the biggest factors depleting our energy.

TRY: Use physical activity this week to quiet your thoughts. Take a 30 minute walk or try 15 jumping jacks in your living room. Notice how your thoughts quiet down after you've finished the activity.


  • New episode of The Pursuit of You is out!! Learn all about the Empath to Narcissist Pipeline Listen Now
  • Unraveling the Human Experience has been officially submitted! I will keep you apprised of my journey 🥳
  • TML has shifted services, I will no longer be offering coaching services but I do still have oracle card readings and yoga classes available, check out for more!
  • You can find all my favorite product recommendations on TML's new 'Favorites' page including The 5 Minute Journal and the trauma informed yoga affirmation card deck, both available through Amazon and both super affordable.
  • The TML resource library also has a new home now under 'TML Resources'

Thank you so much for being here.
You're beautiful.
Have an amazing week!

In warmth & growth,

Joscelyn Kate

Helping You Cultivate Healthy Self-Focus

Hi I’m Joscelyn, a recovering codependent, people-pleaser, and perfectionist turned Master Mindfulness Practitioner, Trauma-Informed Yoga Instructor, and Certified Ritual Guide. I help people let go of toxic habits, situations, and relationships. Check out past editions and sign up below.

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